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Where to cut Christmas Trees in Loudoun County!

Where to cut Christmas Trees in Loudoun County!

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Loudoun Valley Christmas Tree Growers Association members operate 11 farms throughout the county. Farms range in size, and offer a variety of trees and other products. Most importantly, each gives you the unique opportunity to select your tree straight from the field where it grew.

For a map view of all Loudoun County Tree Farms please click here.

Property Manager, Evelin Reilly, likes to choose her trees from Country Loving Tree Farm in Leesburg, VA. This week Country Loving Farms is open on Wed 11/27 and Black Friday 11/29, plus they will be open 9 AM-5 PM Saturdays & Sundays between 11/30/19-12/15/19 and by appts only after that, call 703-398-7018.

Located at: 40856 Red Hill Road, Leesburg, VA

Tips for a first-time Christmas tree harvest: Dress for the weather and come early in the season for the best selection. Bring a blanket to protect the roof of the car, bungee cords, and a sharp saw (but we have loaners if you need one). Trees always look smaller in the field than in your living room. Trees like a cool humid environment and will be very thirsty in a warm dry house.

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