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Make the Most of the Fresh Start of a New Year!

Make the Most of the Fresh Start of a New Year!

  |     |   Tips!

Many times throughout life a fresh start is just what we need to get back some joy in our lives. As bad as this year may have been, 2021 can be your chance for a new beginning.

1. Commit to becoming more physically fit.

You don’t have to become a world-class athlete to get up and move more. Maybe you’ll set a goal of completing a 5K race. Perhaps more realistic is deciding to walk around the community or nearby park twice a week – or leaving the car at home when running nearby errands and riding a bike instead. What’s important is finding a routine that works for you – and then sticking to it.

2. Plan new activities

While 2020 may have taught us that life can be unpredictable, it shouldn’t stop you from planning new things to do in life. Life is full of experiences just waiting for you to take a chance on.


3. Look for ways to brighten someone else’s life.

We asked nearly 2 million people across the globe what one thing makes them feel most fulfilled, and GIVING has consistently been among their top answers. No matter where we live, there’s no shortage of people, causes, or organizations that can benefit from our time, expertise, or resources. Not only are we as humans biologically wired to share with others, but research from National Institutes of Health neuroscientist Jorge Moll found we get an actual “helper’s high” – thanks to the release of addictive feel-good neurotransmitters – when we do.

Kick off 2021 with a home free from clutter and mess:

4. Clean out your closet

According to one estimate, on average, consumers buy 68 garments a year. That means there’s a lot you might have to remove from your closet.

Cleaning out your closet space will give you a chance to have a simple wardrobe entering the new year. Most likely a closet all about comfort as Americans are leaning towards athletic wear and casual attire.

5. Declutter your home

Along with clothes, you probably filled up your home with other items that you don’t use as much as you thought you would.

Look through all of the rooms in your home for any items you bought this year. If you haven’t been using them in the last few months, consider getting rid of it. If the item is seasonal, and you can recall using it a lot during the specific season, it may be worth keeping.

Getting rid of items you didn’t use much will free you of clutter in your space, and make more room for things that will bring you more joy.

6. Tap into 2021's biggest interior trends to reinvent and refresh your home for the year ahead

Earthy color palettes, multipurpose rooms, and more. Home decor trends for 2021 are all about creating a home that's comfortable, functional, and most importantly, a reflection of you. We'll cheers to that!

Every year, we look at Jan. 1 as a symbol of a fresh start and a chance to have our “best year yet.” This mindset feels more urgent than ever this year.

This doesn’t mean you can’t look at the new year as a clean slate, though. In fact, experts say it’s important to look at the new year as a new start and shake off as many of those 2020 vibes as you can.

Are you ready for a fresh start?

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